Pledges Of Al Aqabah

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In the 11th year of prophet hood, six pilgrims from the tribe of Khazraj in Yathrib came to Makkah. The prophet called them to Islam and they embraced faith.
First Pledge Of Al – Aqabah:
Next year 12 people from Yathrib met the Prophet at Aqabah, near Makkah and accepted faith, agreed to abstain from idol worship, cruelity and false hood, lead a righteous life and believe in one God.
This was called the first pledge of Al- Aqabah.
These newly converts promised to spread islam in Yathrib. Prophet (P.b.u.h) sent Masab bin Omair to preach Islam to the residents of Yathrib.
Second Pledge Of Al – Aqabah:
In the 13th year of prophet hood, a delegation consisting of about 70 people includinf women came from yathrib to take the same pledge whixh was now called the 2nd pledge of Al – Aqabah.
They also invited the prophet to Yathrib and pledged full support for him and his followers and also invited him to come to Yathrib as their leader.
- Prophet’s attempt to gain support from other places (e.g. in Al Taif) failed earlier, so this was a new hope for Muslims.
- Tribal system within this time and difficulties he faced without protection within the Quraish.
- The pledges of Al Aqabah gave hope to the Muslims and the prophet as they found support and protection from a different but willing source.
- New life for Islam and Muslims and boosted the Morales of Muslims.
- Muslim community can be established that can have its own laws.