Igcse Physics Revision NotesO Level Physics Revision Notes
Electro Magnetic Spectrum

The Electro Magnetic Spectrum contain different types of waves, some of which are visible to human eye.
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Properties Of The Electro Magnetic Waves:
- They all are transverse waves.
- They transfer energy from one place to another.
- They can travel through vacuum, no need of medium.
- They all travel at 3 × 108 ms-1 in a vacuum.
- They all travel with the same speed in air.
- They all obey the laws of reflection and refraction.
Long wavelength Short wavelength
Low Frequency High Frequency
Sources And Applications Of Electro Magnetic Waves:
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please need more information!
Thank You for commenting, please suggest what other information do you need in this topic, we will try to add them.
hello.. i need notes on D.c circuit
Kindly, make revision notes on current electricity
Your request has been noted, we will definitely create those and let you know.
Kindly conver all physics chapters in your notes and include biology notes as well.
Hi Aiman, we have noted down your suggestion and will definitely work upon adding more revision notes for physics and biology.
Hi, it’s better if you could add the notes on static electricity
Your notes are very helpful wow! it would be awesome if you could add notes on magnetism, current electricity and DC circuits.
Thanks we will definitely add these O Level Physics Revision Notes too soon!
it’s very helpful. Thanks.
i wanna know that are there also radioactivity notes?
(i feel high level of difficulty in radioactivity)
its indeed very helpful.but i hope that there was the electronics lesson. that is the hardest lesson of all. if we could a very DETAILED note on electronis it is very much appreciated.this site helos me alot.
thank you